Take SHCA complete CHEMISTRY & PHYSICS NEET exam package for 1 year.
With 14,000+ questions of chemistry & physics covers Class XI & XII full syllabus.
About the Package:
All chapters practice test for CHEMISTRY & PHYSICS – unlimited
Class XI
15+ Half syllabus chemistry test
30+ complete chemistry syllabus test
15+ Half syllabus PHYSICS test
30+ complete PHYSICS syllabus test
Class XII
15+ Half syllabus chemistry test
30+ Full syllabus chemistry test
15+ Half syllabus PHYSICS test
30+ complete PHYSICS syllabus test
CHEMISTRY Major test- 10
CHEMISTRY Minor test -10
PHYSICS Major test- 10
PHYSICS Minor test -10
Full syllabus NEET Mock Test – 10 exam
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This means that the molecules on the surface of the water will not be surrounded by comparable molecules on all sides, so that they’re being pulled solely by cohesion from different molecules deep inside.